Christmas Pudding, Pies and Confectionary by Fortnum & Mason at Brown Thomas


Fortnum & Mason is now exclusively available at Brown Thomas Dublin and online at offering you a range of delicious treats this Christmas; with feast-worthy food for the table and beautifully presented gifts for giving.
Fortnum & Mason has created a range of innovative and sensational food sourced from around the globe, with traditional crowd-pleasers and delicious surprises for over 300 years.

At Christmas, puddings, pies and confectionary recipes are boosted with festive imagination as ingredients are combined to make every dish or accompaniment stand out.

Fortnum26MasonChristmasBiscuitSelectionTin950g 42 1
Fortrum & Mason Christmas Biscuit Selection Tin 950g
Fortnum26MasonChristmasCoffeeBlendTin250g 1828129 1
Fortrum & Mason Christmas Coffee Blend Tin 250g
Fortnum26MasonShopperConfectioneryTreeDecoration 8 1
Fortrum & Mason Shopper Confectionery Tree Decoration
Fortnum26MasonStJames27ChristmasPudding 16 1
Fortrum & Jason St.James` Christmas Pudding


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