Weekend Polo @ Phoenix Park – LHK vs. Pegasus

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A great day was had by all at the Phoenix Park on June 11th, with fun sport and all for a fantastic cause. Two polo teams battled it out – LHK were up against Pegasus. In the end, Pegasus won the match 7 to 6.

A green collage of Polo in the Park including compare lars. Below is a photo capturing starters orders.

And here’s some videos of the action!

If you want to stay up to date with the Irish Polo scene, check out the Federation of Irish Polo Clubs (http://www.irishpoloclubs.com/) or alternatively the All Ireland Polo Club Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/The-All-Ireland-Polo-Club-441942385846192/

The charity supported by this event was Motor Neurones Disease. To get involved or donate, visit http://imnda.ie/


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