How to wear the Holland and Cooper Knightsbridge Blazer

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How to wear the Holland and Cooper Knightsbridge Blazer

Think of the Balmain blazer, that has been seen everywhere, with a typical English country twist. Enter The Holland and Cooper Knightsbridge Blazer. What is the colour that everyone has been going mad for this year (and last)? Millennial Pink? Enter the new Anniversary Edition Knightsbridge Blazer.

Premiered at this years Cheltenham festival, this is one that is 100% going to be cropping up all over the UK at meets, and probably on a smart Sunday afternoon whilst enjoying a pub lunch. It is safe to say that the new pink Knightsbridge Blazer has shot to the top of our wish list (and not just because it is pink!).

The fit of the blazer is stunning, and the versatility means that you can wear it in a number of different ways. Try buttoning the lapels back to give it another look. We love how it has been paired with an all white outfit, but this would suit black too, or perhaps some blue denim and a white shirt.

Available 1st May on the 5th Floor in Harrods, and online now (wait times do apply).

Melanie Grace

Melanie Grace Fashion Editor and Publisher for Pynck

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