Peter McVerry Trust – Opening Doors 2019 – #ThePersonWho


“I’ve got lots of plans for my future. I’m going to college, I’m going to get my car and get on the road and get on with my life. I have come such a long way. I’m not going to give up now”

Seán (20), found himself sleeping rough when he turned 18. However, just over a year ago he moved into his new home, and with the support of Peter McVerry Trust, has big plans for his future.

Since moving in, Seán has received regular support from Peter McVerry Trust’s Housing with Supports team. As with any big event like moving house, Seán has good and bad days. When this happens, we know how important it is to have someone who understands us, to talk to, to sit down with, or just pick up the phone to.

For you or me, that person might be a family member or a friend. However, for Seán, and the hundreds of others we work with every year, #ThePersonWho picks up the phone is a member of Peter McVerry Trust’s Housing with Supports team.

“It’s good to have the safety net of someone who picks up the phone to you. If anything is wrong, you can call them any time of day or night. It’s 24 hour support.” – Seán.

Peter McVerry Trust works with hundreds of individuals every year, supporting them as they leave homelessness behind. By providing a range of supports, we ensure that they can develop the skills needed to live independently. This support will continue for as long as it is needed, ensuring that people feel safe, secure and settled as they leave homelessness behind for good, and move onto the next stage of their lives.

Will you support Peter McVerry Trust’s Opening Doors Appeal and be #ThePersonWho makes a difference by helping people like Seán as he leaves homelessness behind for good and plans for his future?

Veronica was homeless for over a decade before being supported by Peter McVerry Trust to move into her home and out of homelessness. The support she received from her key worker has ensured that the transition has been a positive one. While there were challenges along the way, Veronica now looks forward to her sewing classes, and her weekly talks with transition year students about the reality of homelessness.

Seán and Veronica are just two of the hundreds of people around Ireland who receive regular support from Peter McVerry Trust to ensure they can live independently. These supports include things like learning to budget, ensuring the rent and bills are paid, doing a weekly shop or planning meals. It can also include linking in with local services – registering with a GP, learning where the post office is or opening a bank account.

As well as the more practical day to day supports, our team also provide support and advice to people around returning to, or continuing their education, and ensuring they have things like pens, pencils, notebooks and school bags. It could be help around joining the workforce and making sure someone has a suit for an interview, or equipment for a new job like steel toe cap boots, appropriate clothing or a safe pass.

By making a gift today, you will ensure that Peter McVerry Trust can support even more people like Seán and Veronica as they move into their homes and plan for the future.

Your support during this year’s Opening Doors Appeal will ensure that more people like Sean and Veronica can leave homelessness behind for good.

Many thanks for your support,

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