5 of the best: Double Breasted Coats

5 of the best: Double Breasted Coats

Ok, we know. It may be a little bit early to be thinking about coats yet. The leaves are still to hit the floor! But hear us out! Ever come across that coat, that was so perfect, would go with everything in your wardrobe, was the trendiest thing etc etc, to only look to see that it has sold out. Everywhere? Because same. We feel your pain.

So, here’s an idea! Get there ahead of the rush to ensue you get ‘the’ coat!

If you are not sure on what will be big this year, we can tell you now, that double breasted coats are a foolproof, stylish and timeless classic. So look for these! You can also afford to get a tiny bit more spendy when it comes to a classic coat, so you can come away with something really special!

As with every 5 of the best, we have chosen, you guessed it, 5-of-the-best! Well done captain obvious! Below are our picks.

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Melanie Grace

Melanie Grace Fashion Editor and Publisher for Pynck

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