Professional Beauty – Online beauty sales soar during coronavirus

professional-beauty-Insider stats: the financial impact of coronavirus on UK beauty salons in March

Insider stats: the financial impact of coronavirus on UK beauty salons in March

PB’s March 2020 Insider stats show the impact Covid-19 had on UK beauty salons, as well as revealing how owners are generating new revenue during this tough time.

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professional beauty -How leading beauty brands are improving their sustainability

How leading beauty brands are improving their sustainability

Sustainability is a buzzword in the beauty industry, but are we doing enough to reduce packaging waste? We explore the steps the pro brands are taking to reduce, reuse and recycle.

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Professional Beauty - How to donate your PPE to help NHS

Finances and access to funding during Covid-19

Ria-Jaine Lincoln, director of Ria-Jaine Accountants, answers questions about self-employed grants, the rules on working while furloughed, who will receive business grants and when, and all of the different personal and business options available.

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professional beauty -UK online beauty sales soar 53% during Covid-19 but future forecast much bleaker

UK online beauty sales soar 53% during Covid-19 but future forecast much bleaker

Despite online sales of beauty products in the UK soaring 53% in the past week, analysts are predicting the market will experience its sharpest decline in 60 years as a result of coronavirus.

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professional beauty -Beauty salons and spas – Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme now open

Beauty salons and spas – Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme now open

The Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, which promises to cover 80% of workers’ wages, has gone live. Here’s how beauty salon and spa owners can apply.

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