UK polo season throw-in postponed

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WHILE Irish polo clubs can look to the summer season with some hope, fixtures in the UK have been suspended until after May 1st.

Hurlingham Polo Association took the decision to suspend polo in an effort to stem the coronavirus pandemic until mid-April at the earliest with a likely extension until the beginning of May.


The HPA has suspended the start of the 2020 polo season

“There will be no tournament polo before 1st May (and) the new travel restrictions and stay-at-home policy has changed things dramatically for everyone,” said a statement issued by the HPA about precautions being taken against the spread of Covid-19. “While the HPA has an additional duty to protect the fabric of the sport and the polo community which stretches far beyond just clubs and players, the safeguarding of everyone in the sport and in the communities in which we all live is the most important consideration at this time.”

The UK and Ireland are presently under an essential travel only directive until around mid-April. While the HPA has suspended polo tournaments until the start of May the season in Ireland, scheduled to begin around mid-May is under official review.


UK polo fixtures are suspended while there is hope that the summer season in Ireland will start on time

Sports facilities including pitches have been closed, partly due to the unacceptable burden of care they place on health services in the UK and Ireland. Gatherings have been limited to no more than two people together at any one time and in Ireland, people must remain within a 2-km boundary.

“Much will depend on the effect of the lockdown and the spread of the virus,” said the HPA statement. “If the sport risks placing an unacceptable burden, it must be likely that there will not be any properly competitive tournaments unless private health care is available.

The HPA has posted a full list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the restrictions online at

The Irish Government has announced a national Covid-19 Income Support Scheme to provide financial support to Irish employees and companies affected by the crisis along with additional measures available online through



Kim Mullahey

Kim Mullahey is’s Ireland Correspondent. She holds an honours undergraduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Chicago and has taught Adult Education Creative Writing Studies. Through a media career spanning nearly 25 years Kim has written and photographed regional news, national and international horse sports, fashion and lifestyle. Kim lives with her husband and son in Kildare Ireland, and a stray marmalade cat who has adopted the family.

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