I M M A – Freud Project – The Artist’s Mother

i m m a imma presents the artists mother

IMMA Collection:  Freud Project – The Artist’s Mother

An exhibition by Chantal Joffe inspired by Lucian Freud’s paintings of his mother 3 Mar – 8 Aug 2021

The Artist’s Mother is the latest project in response to the IMMA Collection: Freud Project 2016-2021. Inspired by Lucian Freud’s paintings of his mother, Lucie, this is the first presentation which interweaves digital and physical elements. Central to the project is the work of artist Chantal Joffe who has portrayed her mother, Daryll, in an exceptional series of paintings and pastels.

The exhibition, The Artist’s Mother: Lucie and Daryll, is the first time IMMA combines both a gallery display in the Freud Centre, alongside a digitally installed exhibition in a new virtual gallery space. In this series of 15 portraits, Chantal Joffe provides insights into the unique bond between mother-subject and artist-child.

At the centre of this exhibition are two of Freud’s most outstanding portraits of his mother The Painter’s Mother Reading (1975) and Painter’s Mother Resting I (1976). The encounter is further explored online through contributions by poet Annie Freud, Lucian’s eldest daughter. The project also includes a series of 22 short videos with artists, writers and creatives reflecting on the theme of the mother, entitled The Maternal Gaze.

The virtual exhibition is now available to view at imma.ie on desktop or on your phone by downloading the Vortic app for iphone and ipad users. The gallery display will be available to visit once current Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.

Follow our hashtag #TheArtistsMother on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

We wish you and your family well.

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