Upcoming on Invaluable – Nobility & Royalty – Coutau-Begarie

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Precious Reliquary Containing Memories of the Duke of Berry

Coutau-Begarie Associes

Nobility & Royalty

May 7, 2021, 11:00 AM CET


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Round Red Jaspe Box, Rome, Circa 1810, Attributed To Filippo Puglieschi


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Pair of Large Medallions Representing King Louis-Philippe and Queen Marie-Amélie


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Lady’s Wristwatch by Henri Lyon, Paris, 1919

This charming watch, which belonged to the Queen of Spain, Princess Victoria-Eugénie de Battenberg, was bequeathed by inheritance to her son, Prince Jacques-Henri de Bourbon, Infante of Spain and Duke of Segovia (1908-1975), who gave it to his second wife, née Charlotte Tiedemann (1919-1979).

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