Go for a ‘Gold’ day of racing at Polo Wicklow

GET the glad rags out of the closet and dust off fascinating fascinators and top hats, with a ‘Gold’ day of racing under starter’s orders all the action from Preston Park including the Cheltenham Gold Cup will be streamed live on the big screen on 18 March at Polo Wicklow in Ireland’s Garden County Wicklow.

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Celebrate Gold Cup Day live on the big screen from Cheltenham in the comfort of the clubhouse at Polo Wicklow Ireland

A day at the races in Polo Wicklow will be on course for “all the craic without the hassle of travel,” said the all-weather, year-round facility’s polo manager Siobhan Herbst on entertaining racing from Cheltenham from 1.30pm while serving up finger food by Sorrel & Eve throughout the afternoon.

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For Best Dressed fashion sense count on Pynck.com CEO Jacqueline O’Neill (left), Ireland’s polo commentator Lar Sheeran and Wendy Herbst, doyen of Polo Wicklow

“It’s coming up on the 18th of March which is Gold Cup Day at Cheltenham,” said Siobhan Herbst. “It’s great to be back after two years. Obviously like everybody else we haven’t been able to hold (anything) for the last two years.”

The afternoon of fashion, food and of course, racing will feature live music by Michelle Robertson, Kevin Pedreschi and Derek ‘Dewi’ Byrne with prizes to be presented to the best dressed lady and gent who will turn out in their Gold Cup Day racing best.

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Martine Grogan (l-r), Caitriona Arnott, Niamh Fawl, Vivienne Nyhan and Geraldine Kane are ladies who can be counted on to turn out in their best dressed fashion, anytime at Polo Wicklow Ireland

“It’s a bit of craic without the hassle of having to travel to Cheltenham,” added Siobhan Herbst.

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All the craic without the hassle of travel, live on the big screen at Polo Wicklow will be racing from Cheltenham on Gold Cup Day

For tickets available at €50 per person go to Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/270875284267 or Polo Wicklow on Facebook, or contact Siobhan Herbst at siobhan@polowicklow.com or phone 087-2869691.


Image credits: Polo Wicklow Kim Mullahey

Tags: Arts & Culture Polo Wicklow Cheltenham Races Gold Cup Day


Kim Mullahey

Kim Mullahey is Pynck.com’s Ireland Correspondent. She holds an honours undergraduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Chicago and has taught Adult Education Creative Writing Studies. Through a media career spanning nearly 25 years Kim has written and photographed regional news, national and international horse sports, fashion and lifestyle. Kim lives with her husband and son in Kildare Ireland, and a stray marmalade cat who has adopted the family.

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