Christmas Cabaret Party Night heralds a new look for Newbridge Silverware

IRISH country music legend Susan McCann and comedian Frank Forde were the headline acts at the Christmas Cabaret Party Night earlier this month, showcasing the enormous potential of Domo’s Emporium at Newbridge Silverware.

1 AislingBurke

Newbridge Silverware’s Aisling Burke, Hospitality & Tourism (centre) led patrons of the Christmas Cabaret Party Night on a tour of the Museum of Style Icons which includes fashions worn by Princess Diana, Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn

2 CarvilleKleisBissellOReilly

Some of the patrons at Newbridge Silverware up for a Christmas Cabaret Party were Julie Carville (l-r), Laura Carey Kleis, Jo Bissell and Maria O’Reilly, pictured on tour in the Museum of Style Icons

Plans for development at the iconic silverware, gift and home centre in Kildare Ireland established in 1934 are aimed for the first half of next year and set to include an extension to the front of the building adjoining the existing shop and restaurant. The plan includes new landscaping and minor alterations to the existing space.

Spaces in Newbridge Silverware including Domo’s Restaurant and the Museum of Style Icons already offer limited capacity for private parties and meetings. The new development is expected to accommodate larger groups during daytime and evening hours.

3 RonanMackey

The Christmas Party Night ran smoothly with Domo’s Emporium Restaurant Manager Ronan Mackey at the helm, catering to a sold out room at Newbridge Silverware in Kildare Ireland

4 ComedianFrankForde

It was laughter, non-stop with Irish Comedian Frank Forde, entertaining at the Newbridge Silverware Christmas Cabaret Party Night

Newbridge Silverware just recently won the Tourism Provider of the Year 2022 at the prestigious Asia Matters Business Awards, the Irish company recognised for its strategic focus on Asia and Asian companies investing in Ireland. The company was credited with its digital social media platform to engage markets this year in preparation for the return of Asian tourists next year.

The Christmas Party Night that included a mulled wine reception, a tour of the Museum of Style Icons and a four-course festive meal quickly sold out ahead of the evening of 8 December, Domo’s Restaurant Manager Ronan Mackey and his team showing how it’s done when catering for large parties. The evening’s patrons shopped in the Visitors Centre with a gift voucher for up to 20 percent off.

5 IrishCountryMusicLegendSusanMcCann

The popular Irish ‘First Lady of Country Music wowed the crowd in Domo’s Emporium with her enduring tunes at the Christmas Cabaret Party in Newbridge Silverware

Christmas is in full swing at Newbridge Silverware until 2pm on 24 December and late nights Thursday and Friday, 15-16 December until 7pm, 19 to 23 December until 8pm and until 2pm on Christmas Eve.

Shop the Visitors Centre or online at


Tags: Arts & Culture Fashion Accessories Homeware

Image credits: Kim Mullahey


Kim Mullahey

Kim Mullahey is’s Ireland Correspondent. She holds an honours undergraduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Chicago and has taught Adult Education Creative Writing Studies. Through a media career spanning nearly 25 years Kim has written and photographed regional news, national and international horse sports, fashion and lifestyle. Kim lives with her husband and son in Kildare Ireland, and a stray marmalade cat who has adopted the family.

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