UNICEF Ireland Shop – It’s not too late

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UNICEF Ireland Shop Its not too late 1

Are you looking for a last-minute Father’s Day gift? We have something for you.

A Father’s Day Child Survival Gift! A special gift that provides life-saving vaccines, clean drinking water, emergency food and a warm blanket to children in need. That’s the powerful difference that you can make!

This unique gift helps children around the world with 100% guaranteed delivery to those who need it most.

Get your super gift for a dad you love and change the world this Father’s Day.
Buy your gift now!


UNICEF Ireland Shop Its not too late 2

Father’s Day Super Hero Pack
Your special gift will provide cholera testing kits, enough polio vaccines to protect 20 children, 200 paracetamol tablets, water purification tablets, oral rehydration salts, sachets of peanut paste and a warm blanket.


UNICEF Ireland Shop Its not too late 3


Buy your gift today and choose your favourite e-card to send directly to a Father you love. Each card explains the life-saving impact their gift will have for children around the world.

Shop E-cards

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