Kick-start the new year with a plant-based and dry January
IT’S January, and after all the excesses we enjoyed in the holiday season it’s the perfect month to practice some self-love with just a few food and drink adjustments.

The Saucy Cow TempleBar
This first and newest month in the year has been popularised with a number of names, all in homage to a fresh start: dry, damp or vegan, it all happens in January as part of a detox or health challenge, and it can last for the whole month and for the rest of the year, or even a lifetime for some.
What to do though with drinks over dinner, and do we always have to go out for a good time? Most importantly in taking this month to reset and refresh is to try new food and drink. Go vegan for the month if you’re a meat lover; there are lots of choices that have a flavourful way of mocking the real thing, and most bars and restaurants have mastered the art of the Mocktail and in listening to their customers, have sourced good selections of low ABV drink brands and zero-proof aperitifs.

Plan game nights for the coldest days in January with family and friends
Take a break and stay in at home with the family or a bunch of friends: try out some of those board games that have been sitting on top of the shelf and if it’s beer pong you’re after, look to the zero-proof brands. Take up a new hobby that you’ve been yearning for the time to do, and really celebrate this time of year that pays homage to health; the point is to make it the best Dry January, Veganuary or even Damp January (where you try just a little bit while reducing your overall intake) of the new year.
Tags: Food & Drink
Image credits: The Saucy Cow, Pinterest