H&M and Boohoo engage in a showdown with UK lawmakers

H&M, Boohoo face off with UK legislators over sustainable fashion policy
By Bella Webb

Image may contain: Wristwatch, Hands, Person, and Sewing

An evidence meeting for the UK’s Environmental Audit Committee showed the danger of leaving fashion businesses to their own devices on sustainability. What now?

Sustainability certifications can’t fix fashion’s broken system
By Rachel Cernansky

sustainability certifications

Certification schemes are meant to verify claims and accelerate progress. Critics say they may do more harm than good. The current spotlight is on Better Cotton, but the problem is far bigger [Member-only].

Why Modest Fashion Week went back to Istanbul, and what’s next
By Shayma Salah

Image may contain: Wristwatch, People, Person, Adult, Wedding, Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Accessories, and Jewelry

The travelling event held its ninth edition back in the Turkish capital, where it started in 2016 — part of efforts to strengthen the global modestwear community and boost Türkiye’s position as a sourcing hub.

China luxury spend is down but confidence is up
By Vogue Business in partnership with Barclays
Image may contain: Du Juan, Accessories, Bag, Handbag, Purse, Adult, Person, Clothing, and Sleeve
A year on from the first quarterly study into China’s luxury market, consumer insights from Vogue Business and Barclays Research point to a sustained slowdown.

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