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Reminder – Upcoming Friends Event this Saturday

Talk & tour with artist Alan Butler on his exhibition in Temple Bar Gallery

followed by studio visits with Temple Bar Studio Members, artists Damien Flood and Sonia Shiel

Saturday 27th Nov, 1pm at Temple Bar Gallery

As the second of our gallery tours we will be bringing the RHA Friends to the centre of Dublin to visit Temple Bar Gallery and Studios. Starting off in the gallery we will see an exhibition of new works by artist Alan Butler who has kindly offered to give the Friends a talk and tour of his show; ‘I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realise that what you heard is not what I meant’. Butler is an artist who makes works by ‘remixing’ or amalgamating a multitude of different materials, most of which have been sourced online through websites such as Ebay, Twitter, Wikileaks, Youtube and Wikipedia.

After this Temple Bar Gallery’s Annual Studio Open Day will be taking place and we have organised studio tours with two artists that many RHA Friends would be familiar with. Firstly to the studio of painter Damien Flood who was featured in this year’s Futures Exhibition in the RHA and also was nominated for the John Moore’s Contemporary Painting prize this year. After visiting Damien’s studio we will then visit the studio of artist Sonia Shiel who had as solo-exhibition in Gallery 1 in the RHA in 2009 and was short-listed for the AIB Art Prize 2009. For information on both artists click these links: Damien Flood and Sonia Shiel.

After this the Friends event is finished but Friends are welcome to stay on to visit the other Temple Bar studios for the studio open day where they can meet many of Ireland’s finest artists and see their work in progress or alternatively, there will be a panel discussion on intellectual property and new internet technologies in association with Alan Butler’s exhibition in the gallery at 3pm which is open to the public.

Booking is essential and to book a place on this tour please reply to this email or contact Michelle or the RHA Front of House on (01) 661 2558.

Hope to see you there.

Best regards,


More information on

Ms Michelle Considine

Friends Co-ordinator

Royal Hibernian Academy

Tel: +353 1 661 2558 Ext. 110

Find us on facebook and twitter search for: RHA Gallery





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