Dublin Simon Community – Simon is there every step of the way this winter

Home is something we all cherish. Particularly as we approach the festive season. It gets so cold, wet and stormy out.

“When I first started sleeping rough I really felt the wind cut through me, the easterly wind sometimes used to freeze me to my bones” – a Simon Outreach team client

As a member of our community here at Simon, you understand that home is not only four walls or shelter but a place where we feel safe, protected and cared for. Who would have ever imagined that such a devastatingly high number of people would be so insecure in their homes, and that today Simon would be still supporting as many people as we are.

Almost 50 years on from when our first Soup Run packed up their flasks and sandwiches and set out on the city streets, the need for our help continues to grow at a rapid rate. Sadly, there are now more people than ever experiencing the devastating impact of life without a home.

Simon and our community are still here, decades later, and vitally so are you. You have made our work possible and with you by our side we promise to be here so long as we are needed.

Simon’s Outreach supports are just the beginning of the journey out of homelessness. We are committed to getting people back to full health and helping them access a secure home. Your support provides warm beds, access to medical services, permanent homes and allows people return to work or college.

Please visit www.dubsimon.ie/donate or call 016715551 to support us again today with your life saving donation.

 Thank you for continuing to be a compassionate member of Simon.

Yours sincerely,


John O’Connell

On behalf of Dublin Simon Community

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