Order of St Lazarus picks a stunning backdrop for fundraising in Dublin’s Phoenix Park

THE Ireland jurisdiction of the ancient Order of St Lazarus picked a stunning backdrop for fundraising in Phoenix Park, Dublin Ireland with a Prosecco reception followed by High Tea in the historic All Ireland Polo Club.

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The Order of St Lazarus fundraiser for a variety of supported charities attracted around 80 people to the All Ireland Polo Club. The Order’s Grand Prior Conor Keoghan and Chevalier Derek Byrne are pictured at the top

2 IgorSmirnoffBestDressedMan

The Best Dressed Person among the men at the fundraiser was Igor Smirnoff, who won membership to the All Ireland Polo Club, a voucher for renowned Irish men’s clothier Louis Copeland & Son and skincare treatment at Celtic Therapy. Igor’s sartorial style was by LA designer Mr Turk and Christian Louboutin

The polo club’s 150th anniversary Derby tournament was in play throughout the fundraiser for a variety of charities in conjunction with the Order including Leprosy Mission Ireland. The funds were raised from among the High Tea entry fees of €100 per person and the silent auction of a limited print, one of three from a painting by Mick O’Dea of the Grace O’Malley Tall Ship: commissioned by Robert Lee Mulcahy, the original painting presented to HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco is on permanent loan to the Yacht Club Monaco.

3 LarSheeran

On a break from calling the day’s matches, Irish lead polo commentator Lar Sheeran supported the High Tea fundraiser for the Order of St Lazarus

4 MillinerKateBetts

Kate Betts of Kate Betts Hats, Dublin Ireland at the High Tea fundraiser at the All Ireland Polo Club

Ireland Grand Prior Conor Keoghan thanked all who attended the fundraising High Tea for their support, saying: “All the profits and any donations we received went towards the five projects we are currently supporting, all good causes and thank you again for all your support.”

5 AntoinetteByrneBestDressedWoman

The Best Dressed Person among the ladies at Order of St Lazarus High Tea fundraiser was Antoinette Byrne, who wore a floral patterned summer dress from a local boutique. Her prizes included membership until next year to the All Ireland Polo Club, millinery by Kate Betts Hats and skincare treatment from Celtic Therapy

The fundraiser was supported by the All Ireland Polo Club, Kate Betts Hats, Celtic Therapy and Louis Copeland & Son. Find out more about the Order of St Lazarus at https://www.stlazarus.ie/.


Tags: Arts & Culture

Image credits: Kim Mullahey


Kim Mullahey

Kim Mullahey is Pynck.com’s Ireland Correspondent. She holds an honours undergraduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Chicago and has taught Adult Education Creative Writing Studies. Through a media career spanning nearly 25 years Kim has written and photographed regional news, national and international horse sports, fashion and lifestyle. Kim lives with her husband and son in Kildare Ireland, and a stray marmalade cat who has adopted the family.

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