RHA Friends Co-ordinator – Upcoming RHA Friends Events – Tour of the Little Museum of Dublin

RHA Friends
Tour of The Little Museum of Dublin
Thursday, 4th July 2.30pm

The Little Museum of Dublin is a unique cultural institution right in the heart of the Irish capital. This people’s museum was created entirely through public donations. Located in a beautiful Georgian townhouse on St. Stephen’s Green, the museum was opened by the Lord Mayor of Dublin in October 2011. This tour of the museum for the Friends of the RHA will focus on Dublin’s history in the 20th century with an amusing hour-long guided tour led by the museum curator.

The museum’s wonderful collection of artifacts tells stories about the lives of Dubliners through items like an ‘I’ve seen Santa at Switzers’ badge; the letter that Samuel Beckett wrote to a young boy who lived in his same childhood home; bullets presented to Ben Dunne by an IRA gunman as a memento of his kidnapping in 1981; the music stand loaned by a soldier to President John F. Kennedy for his speech to the Irish parliament and many more memorable artifacts which all convey a history of Dublin life.

Booking is essential for all Friends events. To book please email Michelle Considine, Friends Co-ordinator at friends@rhagallery.ie or click the button below to read more

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