RHA Gallery – Upcoming: Tours for the Visually Impaired + Collaborative Photobook Workshop

Tours for the Visually Impaired
Of handle by Niamh O’Malley

12pm, Thursday 17 October
With Emilie Conway and RHA Exhibitions Curator, Ruth Carroll

Book 12pm Thursday 17th

2pm, Saturday 19 October
With Emilie Conway and artist Niamh O’Malley

Book 2pm Saturday 19th

Join us for a tour for the visually impaired of our current solo exhibition by Niamh O’Malley, handle. These tours will be led by Emilie Conway, with RHA Exhibitions Curator, Ruth Carroll on Thursday 17th and artist Niamh O’Malley on Saturday 19th.

Emilie Conway is an award winning musical artist, visual artist, art facilitator and art psychotherapist. She also has a visual impairment. The central role art plays in her own life drives her passion to explore collaborative art practice and experience of art, through creating audio described tours, with others who have a visual impairment.

To help us best prepare for the tour, please email Róisín, Learning and Public Engagement Curator, by Tuesday 15th October, at engagement@rhagallery.ie and let us know the following:

  • Is this your first visit to the gallery?
  • What is your level of vision?
  • Do you have a guidedog?
  • Are you able to use the stairs?
  • Will you be attending with anyone?
  • How are you arriving?
  • Any needs or requirements you may have on the day

Image: Tour for the visually impaired of solo show by Eamonn Doyle, 2019, RHA Gallery

Submissions Deadline reminder: 6pm, Friday 18th of October

Collaborative Photobook Workshop
with Read That Image

Imagined Landscapes
Inspired by Tommy Weir’s exhibition Cillín

11am – 4pm, Saturday 26 October

No. of participants: maximum 9*

Price: €60

*Please note there is a minimum of 4 participants required to run the workshop.
Join the RTI team for this one day collaborative photobook-making workshop inspired by Tommy Weir’s forthcoming exhibition ‘Cillín’ at RHA Gallery. RTI invite artists, photographers, and anyone with an interest, to submit their own black and white images relating to the main themes of the exhibition: death, ritual, history and the Irish landscape.

Participants will be given a brief introduction to each stage of the bookmaking process and will collectively build and create their own hand-crafted photobooks. Participants will work in groups with a collective pool of images to create new narratives and explore the various possibilities of visual storytelling.

The emphasis will be on editing, sequencing and the process of building relationships between images. While there will be some limitations in place (tight timeframe, book size, binding) experimentation is highly encouraged. This one day workshop will be fast-paced and hands on, and follow a DIY approach to photobook making.

How to submit:

Please submit images from a series of your own photographic work inspired by the work of Tommy Weir and the main themes of the exhibition. Family photos, found photos, images sourced from the internet under creative commons are also welcome. Feel free to submit colour photographs however please note these will be converted to black and white for the purpose of the workshop.

Please send your submission to hello@readthatimage.org

Deadline for submissions: Friday 18th October 6pm
Submissions to include maximum 10 BLACK AND WHITE images @ 72 dpi

Selected participants notified: Monday 21st 12pm

Selected participants will need to provide all high resolution JPEG image files @ 240 dpi (3000 pixels on the long side) by Tuesday 22nd October 12pm

Read That Image is an award-winning photobook collective based in Dublin, Ireland. A collaborative group of photographers, designers and visual artists dedicated to creating and self-publishing photobooks. Our main aim is to provide a space for open encounters, a place for book-lovers and image-makers to come together to share ideas and create work.

Image: Collaborative Photobook Workshop with Read That Image

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