LUCID21 – Eclectic fashion label from Berlin

Created for your everyday life just as for long summer festivals or weddings, Lucid21 is a very eclectic fashion label from Berlin. Designing clothes since 2001, their collections are according to their own words, celebrations of love, and intend to give strength, security and a gleeful glow to the people choosing to wear their pieces. If you ask me, I would recommend it at the snap of a finger. Lucid21 succeeded in something that many failed : the feat of making antiquated and floral prints look young, edgy and glamorous. The clothing is made fairly and transparently in Europe, so why hesitate ? This is your wardrobe for this Spring/Summer.


I fell in love with this yellow silk long dress with modern blue and white striped belt. This is definitely a highlight of the collection.

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You get a feel of the brand’s lyricism with this fluid ensemble, airbrushed colours and detail-orientated finishing touches like the ruffles embracing the neck or the bow falling elegantly on the chest.

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