The absolute must have for your hair! Moroccan Oil.

Must have: Moroccan Oil

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We all know this, but winter can dry out your skin and hair, so moisture during the next few months is key. And it’s not exactly news that Moroccan Oil has your tresses covered. So we cannot resist the opportunity to pop open the old bottle and get that amazing stuff on our hair! Before it is too late! This year, we vow to not let the elements dry our hair out, we want shiny beautiful hair to distract us from the dull weather we have been plagued with!

Great to run through after a hair wash, before blow drying. Use a 5 pence piece size and comb through with your fingers. The longer you can leave your hair to dry naturally, the better, but if you cannot wait that long, ensure that you use a heat protectant, to ensure you are not counteracting anything that the miracle oil is doing! You can even use to style curls to give more shine and definition, just be careful not to overdo it. Greasy, oily hair is not a good look!

To shop the Moroccan Oil, click here. Other products from the line are here. (ps. We also seriously rate their dry shampoo, great for those in-between washes days.)

Melanie Grace

Melanie Grace Fashion Editor and Publisher for Pynck

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