The Hair Saviours that you really need to try

The Hair Saviours that you really need to try

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Cold weather and the heating up on full blast can really dry our skin and hair out. Something that we could really do with avoiding, not only for the discomfort but also who wants to have drab and dry skin and hair. So with that being said there are a couple of fantastic products that can help combat the problem. We really want to focus on hair, so watch this space for a further post on skin saviours.

In all honesty you really need to start off with a decent shampoo and conditioner. And avoid washing your hair too much, as this will only add to the dryness. You should find a range that is hydrating and also treats for damage, as that will effect your locks too. We are currently loving the TiGi Custom Care Repair Shampoo and Conditioner. They both smell delicious and leave your hair well cleansed but also repaired and moisturised at the same time (without making it greasy!)

Next you should be adding in a treatment, such as a leave in conditioner or hair oil. Currently the best one we have found, and many will agree, is the Moroccan Oil Light. You should use a very minute drop of this through towel dried hair.

Another great tip is to let your hair air dry for as long as possible before blow drying, if time allows. This will reduce the heat, which can further damage and dry out your hair. If you are using heat, it is absolutely essential to use a heat protector. We have been obsessed with the TiGi Custom Create Heat Protection Spray. It smells just like the shampoos and conditioners of the range!

A last tip, is to sleep with a silk hair cap on at night, or better yet, replace your pillow cases with a gorgeous silk pillow case. Not only will that help your hair, it will also do wonders for your skin. Even if you take one thing away from this, let it be a silk pillow case!

To shop the products mentioned, click on the product image below.

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