RHA Gallery – RHA E-bulletin

RHA Gallery - RHA E-bulletin Monday 27th April

A Message from Patrick T. Murphy, RHA Director

I am writing to you as we commence the sixth week of the closure of the RHA in response to Covid-19 pandemic. I hope that you and your families are safe and well and finding a way to manage through this extraordinary period of history.

Last week, the RHA Council met via Zoom to consider the situation. It decided to postpone the Annual Exhibition until October when it is hoped that a “new normal” will be established and clear and trusted protocols are in place for the public use of public amenities including galleries. If there is an earlier lightening of the current rules, we will re-open the galleries in accordance with social distancing guidelines as specified by the HSE. The exhibitions that were prematurely closed on March 13th will re-open for four weeks and we will then use the gallery spaces for the safe reception of work for the second and final round of the selection for the Annual and for the safe collection of works not selected.

Of course our ability to raise and earn income has disappeared, and I want to thank those Friends of the RHA who renew their memberships, I can’t stress how important that is both in terms of finance and moral support. The RHA exists to provide a platform for artists, their art, and the public to engage, enjoy and learn from each other. Walking through the silent galleries the other day there is a palpable “missing” in the spaces.

The Arts Council have made up to 90% of grant monies available immediately which goes some way to address our loss of income in the immediate term. Also we have signed up for the government’s Salary Subsidy Scheme which means we can just survive on existing cash up until the autumn. I know we are not alone in this challenge, it pervades all areas of our society and economy.

And perhaps that in all areas of current discourse those words, ‘society and community’, are now used before ‘economy’ signifies a re-calibration of our values and will yield a better place for our children to grow up in the decades to come.

On behalf of the artist Members and staff of the Academy I wish health to you and yours and look forward to the day when you are back in our galleries.

Stay safe

Patrick T. Murphy
RHA Director

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