Artnet – Archaeologist Discovered a Trove of Ancient Catholic Relics

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An Archaeologist Discovered a Trove of Ancient Catholic Relics Under the Floorboards of a Tudor Manor in England

When workers lifted floorboards to repair the joists of a 500-year-old historic home in England, they inadvertently revealed a once-in-a-lifetime discovery.

An illuminated manuscript and prayer book were among the items hidden centuries ago by secretly-practicing Catholics.

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Artist Marilyn Minter Has Teamed Up With the ACLU to Create a $400 Original Print to Benefit Its Racial Justice Program

“Everyone thinks they can’t do anything because they’re all alone,” Minter said. “This is the lie—everyone can do something.”

“Everyone has to do something, right?” artist and activist Marilyn Minter asked Artnet News by phone earlier this week. “If you’re not doing something, you’re asleep.”

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Ashton Kutcher Burned an Original ‘Artwork’ to Promote a New Blockchain Marketplace Where Art Can (Kind of) Live Forever

Ashton Kutcher recently shared a video of himself setting fire to a piece of notebook paper on which he had drawn a collection of cartoon eyeballs and a one-stroke star.

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artnet news

Celebrated Fashion Designer Vivienne Tam Explores Artnet Galleries

Award-winning fashion designer and renowned businesswoman Vivienne Tam has was been internationally lauded for her contributions to fashion. See what the world-renowned fashion designer and businesswoman is loving from Artnet Galleries

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