I M M A – IMMA International Summer School 2020 Public Programme

IMMA International Summer School 2020

i m m a

Public Programme
Art and Politics #2 Statecraft

6 – 22 August

The IMMA International Summer School will take place online via zoom with a free public programme open to all. Focusing on the theme of ‘statecraft’ and the role of art and artists in relation to the state, the Summer School will comprise seminars and discussions by a range of national and international artists, theorists and educators.

Public Programme

Gerry Kearns, Statecraft and the Cultural Politics of AIDS, Thur 6 Aug.

Bashir Otukoya, (State)Crafting Identity: Nationals, Citizens and the Other’s, Fri 7 Aug.

Lisa Moran, The ‘Statue Wars’ – the monument and the state, Tue 11 Aug.

American Artist, (I’m Blue (If I Was █████ I Would Die): The Color of American Policing, Thur 13 Aug.

Philomena Mullen, Industrialised, Socialised and Racialised: Experiences of Black, Mixed-Race Women in Irish industrial schools, Fri 14 Aug.

Mick Wilson, Body Counts: Scenes from the Political Life of the Dead, Tue 18 Aug.

Jasmina Cibic, Ornamental Rashes of Ideology, Fri 21 Aug.

Keynote Jonas Staal, Other-Than-Statecraft: Stateless Parliaments, Experimental Biospheres and Collectivizing Facebook and Panel Discussion, Sat 22 Aug.

Click on the links to register and for further information.

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