Looking For Love Locally Post Lockdown

‘locdating’ Set To Be Next Big Dating Trend As Half Of Single People In Ireland Are Looking For Love Locally Post Lockdown

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Bumble, the women-first social networking app, has released a new nationwide survey that reveals how people in Ireland* are looking to date as lockdown restrictions continue to be lifted.

  • Half of single people across Ireland(52%) are more inclined to date locally, compared to before lockdown
  • This new trend of ‘locdating’means people are looking for love in their local area
  • The Bumble app requires everyone to set a location radius for their profile, which can be as small as one mile, meaning that people are able to match with others nearby. This makes it easy to walk or cycle to meet much anticipated first dates!
  • Despite the enthusiasm, there is still a cautiousness around dating with 45% people saying theymight hold back from having a socially distanced first date if their date lived too far away for them to travel to
  • To help navigate post-lockdown dating, Bumble has launched a feature that lets people declare what kind of dates they are looking for: virtual only, socially-distanced, or socially-distanced with masks
  • This new feature helps with the potentially awkward conversation by allowing you to search for people who are dating in the same way as you.

*Research was conducted by OnePoll and polling between 23rd June – 3rd July 2020 with a sample of 500 men and women in the ROI.  


Sean Mitchell

Author at Pynck

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