It’s Oh So Organic at Wines Direct

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Look out for this super offer from Wines Direct of a range of organic wines.  Wines Direct enjoy finding for you winemakers who revel in the individuality of indigenous grapes. In this case, the winemakers not only adhere to organic methods but also grow little unknown and almost extinct grapes and excel at it. You are sure to be delighted when introduced to a combination of their favourite organic wines and little known varietals from across Europe.

This exclusive case contains the following wines, one of each in the 6 bottle case and 2 of each in the 12 bottle case:

Domaine Ricard ‘Tasciaca’; Guerinda ‘El Maximo’; Domaine Paterianakis; Mas Las Cabes; Ciu Ciu ‘Tebaldo’ and Nicodemi ‘Le Murate’

Price:  Six Bottle Case €115/Twelve Bottle Case €225



Sean Mitchell

Author at Pynck

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