Connect with a world of free hair and beauty industry online events and education
THE Professional Beauty World event will launch five days of free online events and education starting this Sunday 28 February with the global event for the hair and beauty industry. Register for Professional Beauty World at for webinars beginning this Sunday at 8.30am GMT. The five-day programme of events concludes this Wednesday 3 March GMT when the Hairdressers Journal Upskills series opens its eighth consecutive week. The programme of events until this Thursday 4 March are all about acquiring new skills as the beauty industry looks towards reopening in a post-lockdown world.

Grant Williams
Hairstylist and educator Grant Williams will open the Hairdressers Journal ongoing upskills series this Wednesday with ‘Styling to the Max with GHD’, a webinar that can be seen in the UK and Ireland on the Professional Beauty/Hairdressers Journal website at HairUncut co-founder Phil Evans will be streaming live across the UK and Ireland on the PBHJ website this Thursday with upskills aimed at ‘Building an Online Community’.

Phil Evans
It’s all happening in the UK and Ireland beauty industry this week and will be streaming around the world.
Tags: Professional Beauty World Hairdressers Journal #PBHJ #PBHJIreland #upskills #business skills #skincare, #spa, #aesthetics, #tanning
Image credits: Professional Beauty, Hairdressers Journal