Tranoï Link – MES DEMOISELLES Paris

Created by Anita Radovanic in 2006, MES DEMOISELLES invites you to travel to dreamlike lands and offers the obvious chic simplicity. The true luxury. The most important thing for Anita and her brand, is to bring out the best in women. One of the core values of the brand is to find the right cuts and fabrics. She sees women as free, rebellious, emancipated, free spirits but also romantic dreamers. It is important to maintain those essential feminine values. The brand is comprised of several different ranges. The current range has a mood that’s light and floaty using premium silk materials. This is juxtaposed with contrasting thicker, heavier sweaters. Embroidered skirts feature heavily within the range featuring detailed, embroidered animals. Each range consists of contrasts, emancipation and freedom.

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Season after season, the brand invites us to follow a unique path. Her way. On edge, through the emotions of a Parisian designer who imposes the obvious of chic simplicity. True luxury. MES DEMOISELLES … Paris unites fashion, swirling, exhilarating, dashing, and a deep integrity. With an important presence and a strong influence in the world.

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