Spoil Mum this Mother’s Day with the gift of Irish chocolate
THERE is little else in life that warms the heart as much as chocolate, and we are In the Pynck with a curation of some of the best collections on offer just in time for Mother’s Day this Sunday 14 March. All of the featured collections are available to order online for delivery to all those fabulous mother figures in life. Go ahead, spoil Mum this Mother’s Day like she deserves with one of the fabulous collections of unique Irish chocolate gifts.
Treat Mum to the very best of the Cadbury Chocolate range of mouth-watering Mother’s Day hampers and gift boxes. There are collections to suit every price range online at https://www.cadburygiftsdirect.co.uk all packed with deliciously indulgent Cadbury chocolate treats.

Image credit: Cadbury Chocolates

Image credit: Cadbury Chocolates
Spoil Mum this Mother’s day with a delicious box of Lily O’Brien’s Chocolates by ordering online at https://lilyobriens.ie. Choose from a range that can include a special message of love for Mum and there are fabulous collections to choose from up to €35.

Image credit: Lily O’Brien’s Chocolates

Image credit: Lily O’Brien’s Chocolates
The well known family favourite, Butlers Chocolates just had to be included in our curated collections and there is something for everyone at https://www.butlerschocolates.com from as little as €8 on up to €50 and everyone is special.

Image credit: Butlers Chocolates

Image credit: Butlers Chocolates
Our final curation in this year’s Mother’s Day collection is from Bean and Goose, the family chocolatiers that handmake their chocolate in the traditional way on cold marble slabs. Choose a collection at https://beanandgoose.ie from as little as €11 and order online for delivery in time for Mother’s Day.

Image credit: Bean and Goose

Image credit: Bean and Goose