Tranoï Link – salut beauté

salut beauté is a creative brand that designs bold and effortless suits for women, made with high-quality upcycled fabrics. The brand only offer exclusive capsules and choose the upcycled fabric together according to available stocks.

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Founded by, Mathilde and Sarah – brenda and brenda for short at the beginning of 2019, the pair left their small, chill, permanent job at a Parisian start-up to take the plunge. They both wanted to create, to push their limits, to write a story that would really be like them.

From the beginning, they had a fixed idea: suits. Uniforms to conquer the world. Uniforms to give strength to women. Uniforms to accompany them in all their adventures.

“salut beauté”.

Two very simple words that express so many things: audacity, self-confidence, but also humour, friendship, sorority…

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The brand’s goal is to create the powerful, bold and comfortable uniform that will give women wings in all circumstances and increase their badass potential. All of this without hesitating for hours in front of your closet. We have no time to lose, we have a world to conquer.

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When you create your fashion brand in the 21st century, there are elements that cannot be ignored. How can you be part of a renewal and avoid at all costs reproducing the pitfalls of this industry, which has become the most polluting in the world?

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salut beauté have chosen upcycling, a method of reusing already produced fabrics to avoid producing them themselves. So far, it’s rather simple, they use what already exists to create something new.

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Upcycling offers a great creative framework. Creating from the existing is certainly a challenge, but it’s undoubtedly what brings to life the most unique and daring pieces. The pair work mainly with French fabric manufacturers who have end-of-stock items in stock. Recently, they have also been collecting scraps from certain French brands.

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