The Dawn Chorus Returns to The Sanctuary for 2021

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As a result of Covid 19, many people have been suffering in isolation due to cocooning, self-isolating, being separated from their family and friends and indeed loss of access to their community. Since March 2020, The Sanctuary, established by Sr. Stan Kennedy in 1998, has expanded its ability to reach those who are unable to access their drop in activities and their wellbeing programmes especially the An Cuan programme for adults of all ages and abilities who are going through a vulnerable period in their life.

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Over the last year, in the response to the rising need for mental health supports, The Sanctuary have introduced free community online meditation sessions, a selection of live broadcasted wellbeing courses, self-care resources as well as a Befriending Programme offering phone calls to people who are lonely or isolated during this time. The response has been unprecedented for these online services, almost 2000 people registered for their free online community meditations sessions and each week they are providing support to over 500 people who attend these free online community meditation sessions with attendees reporting reduced isolation and a feeling of community that has been a refuge for many.

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Following on from the success of last year, The Dawn Chorus is back for 2021. A celebration of the wonder of nature and birdsong in a mindful way, The Sanctuary invites you to be part of this community event from the comfort of your own home. On Sunday Morning, May 2nd 2021 at 4.30am, The Sanctuary will host and broadcast this special online event live from their city centre location with a fantastic programme of guests, enjoy listening to the wonder of the dawn chorus as The Sanctuary’s MD Jane Negrych, leads a mindful practice, yoga teacher Riana Walsh will then guide attendees through a Mindful Morning Yoga Practice. Members of The Dublin Gospel Choir will follow these practices with a response to the birdsong followed by a reading by Spoken word poet, Stephen James Smith and a Tea meditation.

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Sr Stan – “The Sanctuary is offering you the most wonderful experience of listening and seeing the sounds and sights of the Dawn Chorus. In joining us, you are also supporting the Sanctuary which brings mental health resources, healing and hope to thousands of people, including frontline workers.”

Jane Negrych, MD -“Listening to and rising up for the Dawn Chorus cannot be described, it needs to be experienced. The Sanctuary is creating the space to witness this natural phenomenon together, while being guided to slow down, feel the breath, and let the sounds wash over you. It is nature’s ultimate Sound Bath! What is even better is that all proceeds go towards the work of the Sanctuary, which builds community and breaks down barriers to mindfulness based mental health resources.”

All proceeds from this online event will go towards The Sanctuary’s community work including the development of their new Biodiversity Field.

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The Dawn Chorus will be broadcast online on Zoom from 4:30am-6:30am on Sunday May 2nd and you can Enroll today at

About The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is a meditation centre for social change in the heart of Dublin City. It is a charity founded by Sr. Stan Kennedy in 1998, long before meditation or mindfulness was on the tip of everyone’s tongue.

Most importantly, it was inspired by Stan’s own personal practice of contemplation and meditation and its ability to sustain Stan in her commitment to work with homeless people and her other social innovations.

The Sanctuary originated with a focus on personal well-being; and indeed continues to offer courses on yoga, mindfulness, meditation and drop in sessions for those seeking to maintain their balance: both physically and mentally.

However, what is most inspiring is the way the Sanctuary reflects Stan’s mission for social change.

The Sanctuary has evolved organically over the years to include mindfulness programmes for schools, programmes for carers and those working on the frontlines of society. Moreover, it offers tailored programmes for commercial organisations, charities, workplace and management teams.

All its courses are inspired by a deep and heartfelt wish and vision to change culture through compassionate action, ultimately helping to create a more resilient society.

Contact Details

The Sanctuary, Stanhope Street, Dublin 7, Ireland. +353 (0)1 670 5419 E:







Sean Mitchell

Author at Pynck

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