The Royal Horticultural Society – Your gardening update from the RHS

The Royal Horticultural Society Your gardening update from the RHS 1

Your gardening update from the RHS

The daylight is noticeably shorter this month, but the leaves of deciduous trees and shrubs are bringing a warm, bright glow to the season. We can always rely on autumn to put on a spectacular show.

Gardening outdoors at this time of year can feel invigorating, as long as we’re prepared for the elements and have a flask of something warm to hand. Laying new turf, dividing overgrown perennials, digging over empty beds, planting spring bulbs or lifting summer ones, there’s plenty to do. We can also practice the art of patience and delayed gratification – the hard work will always pay off come spring and summer next year. For instant gratification, however, we recommend a trip to the garden centre for some autumn and winter bedding plants or a visit to an RHS Garden for some seasonal inspiration!

The Royal Horticultural Society Your gardening update from the RHS 1a

Delicious seasonal salad recipe with TV’s Clodagh McKenna

Using ingredients picked straight from the garden, watch how you can make your very own tasty autumnal salad featuring butternut squash, kale, apple, beetroot and parsley. Clodagh, who is doing a cookery demo at RHS Wisley on 12 Oct for the Festival of Flavours is passionate about cooking with home-grown food.

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The Royal Horticultural Society Your gardening update from the RHS 1b]

BBC Two series puts RHS Bridgewater in the spotlight
Episode 3 – Tue 11 Oct at 8pm
Episode 4 – Tue 18 Oct at 9pm

BBC Two series The Great Northern Garden Build continues next Tuesday evening. RHS Garden Bridgewater, which recently celebrated its first anniversary, is in the spotlight as the show charts the journey from bare soil to a vibrant and much-loved garden. You can also catch up on BBC iplayer.

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Coming up at RHS Wisley

The Royal Horticultural Society Your gardening update from the RHS 1c

Celebrate harvest time with Festival of Flavours
12 – 16 Oct 2022

Browse seasonal produce, taste tempting treats and watch chefs cook-up delicious dishes with ingredients picked fresh from our garden! Free for RHS Members.

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The Royal Horticultural Society Your gardening update from the RHS 1d

Deadliest plants and bugs: October half term fun
22 – 30 Oct 2022

Delve into the world of deadly plants and bugs at RHS Wisley. Meet all kinds of critters, big and small, find out about wild and wacky plants and get stuck in with craft and planting workshops, storytelling, a family garden trail and more. Free for RHS members.

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The Royal Horticultural Society Your gardening update from the RHS 1e

RHS Glow!
17 Nov 2022 – 8 Jan 2023

An enchanting trail around RHS Wisley paints iconic sights in dazzling light. Venture past the Jellicoe Canal, the old Laboratory, Wisteria Walk and the Glasshouse glowing with colourful lights, music and fountain displays. Pre-booking required, reduced rates for members.

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