RHA Gallery – New Exhibitions at the RHA

RHA Gallery New Exhibitions at the RHA 1

Many thanks to all who attended the opening night last Thursday.
See rhagallery.ie for details of new exhibitions.

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New Season of Exhibitions

Cecilia Bullo, Being haunted by the breezes, now how will you exist? to 30 April, Gallagher Gallery

Declan Clarke, The Museum of Broadcasting and Loneliness, to 26 March, Petronella Brown Gallery & O’hUiginn Galleries

Brett McEntagart RHA, A Retrospective, to 26 March, Dr. Tony Ryan Gallery

Dr. Rajinder Singh, pale in saffron, to 26 March, RHA Ashford Gallery

Peter Burns, Biblical Paintings, to 30 April, RHA Atrium

Jane Locke, The Lighthouse at the Library, to 26 March, RHA Corner Gallery

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193rd RHA Annual Exhibition

Online Submission – Less Than ONE week left to APPLY

Applications close this Sunday, 26 Feb

The 193rd RHA Annual Exhibition, Ireland’s largest and longest running exhibition of visual arts, taking place in 2023 will also launch the RHA bicentenary celebrations.

Open to all artists working in paint, drawing, print, sculpture, photography and architecture, and as the RHA turns 200 years old, the 193rd RHA Annual Exhibition will mark a highly significant point in the history of the organisation.

Applications CLOSE 26 Feb.


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Brett McEntagart RHA – Artist’s Tour of
A Retrospective

Wed, 22 Feb, 1pm

Join artist Brett McEntagart RHA for a tour of his retrospective exhibition. This exhibition spans work from the late 1960s to the present day and reveals Brett’s facility and skills through a variety of mediums. His vision is uncluttered, attempting as it does to capture light on form in a direct and sincere way.


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Director’s Tour of Cecilia Bullo’s Being Haunted by the breezes, now how will you exist?

Mon 6 Mar, 5:45 pm

Following a wine reception, Director, Patrick T. Murphy will give the RHA Friends an exclusive tour of Cecilia Bullo’s exhibition, which incorporates sculpture, sound and installation. Bullo’s new body of work explores the artist’s concerns around gender violence and ecofeminism.

This tour is exclusively for the RHA Friends only.


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Wilton Park Studios

Applications Now Open

We are currently accepting applications for all three studio spaces at Wilton Park Studios. This RHA / IPUT Real Estate Dublin initiative was founded in 2019 as a direct response to the ever-increasing studio crisis in Dublin.

Sponsored by IPUT, the studios will be offered on an eight-month basis to three artists from May to December 2023. There is no monthly rent and all heat and utility costs are included.

Applications close at 5pm, 20 March.


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St. Ann’s Church Recitals Discount

St. Ann’s Recitals are offering the RHA Friends a 20% discount (€8 entry) on tickets to its Thursday lunchtime recitals series, featuring top Irish and international performers in St. Ann’s Church, Dawson Street, Dublin. Show your RHA Friends card to receive discount.


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