St Patrick’s Day festivals feature an eclectic mix of dining across Ireland
IN towns, cities and villages across the island, festival parades featuring Ireland’s patron saint will welcome entertainers, live music and marching bands along with dancers and performers of all sorts, and more than a few will hail from foreign shores.
Meanwhile Ireland’s international food and drink culture has boomed since well before the pandemic alongside the cultural blend of people taking root and introducing authentic flavours much to the benefit of former days when international cuisine was consistently ‘dumbed down’ for the Irish palate. The long overdue introduction of authentic flavours has played its part in redefining Irish cuisine, and here are just a few favourites @PynckFashion that have been curated for all the days and nights of St Patrick’s Day festivals around the country.

Angelina’s Restaurant in Baggott Street, Dublin for authentic Italian food in laid back surroundings
Dining in Dublin: Plan to get the parade well before it opens and reserve a place at Angelina’s on Baggot Street, where lunch and dinner are laid back and informal Italian cuisine every day of the week. Book online at or phone +3531 6602262.

For authentic Irish cuisine with a modern twist it’s The Brazen Head in Dublin Ireland
The Brazen Head, Dublin’s oldest established in c1198 is on the bucket list for many who live in and visit Ireland. Book the gastropub for an authentic local bar experience, Irish music and an extensive range of drinks at or phone +3531 679 5186.

The Green Hen in Dublin, serving French Bistro style cuisine inspired by the classics
The Green Hen is just a short distance away from the Dublin St Patrick’s Day Festival, the mod-Bohemian style French-style Bistro offering classic dishes in a relaxed atmosphere beside the festival hubbub. Book online at or phone +3531 670 7238.

In the West of Ireland it’s Keogh’s Gastropub, serving the classics in main courses and traditionally baked scones
Dining in Galway: Moving west to Galway, John Keogh’s Gastropub, the multi-award-winning pub and party venue offers an authentic Irish, no nonsense mix of old school classic food along with bold, innovative dishes. Book online at or phone +35391 449431.

5 GalwayTheLadyGregoryHotelJackBYeatsBarGortStayAndDine
Stay and dine at the Lady Gregory Hotel known for friendly service in the Jack B Yeats Bar. Offering heart breakfasts and quick bites, delicious lunches and dinners, book online at or phone +35391 632 333.

For oysters and seafood renowned for freshness it’s Moran’s on the Weir
Known for its own nearby native oyster beds, Moran’s on the Weir in Galway has long been renowned for all things seafood including fresh oysters served in a variety of ways. Book online at or phone +35391796 113.

Bodega Restaurant in Waterford Ireland is a favourite, and don’t forget to try the artisan baked Blaa
Dining in Waterford: a favourite in Ireland’s Sunny Southeast is Bodega Restaurant, the Spanish-style restaurant best known for locally sourced seafood and shellfish as well as beef and pork from in the Comeragh Mountains, free range chicken from Wexford and of course, the neighbouring famous artisan baked ‘Blaa’. Book online at or phone +35351 844 177.
Waterford’s best known bar, restaurant and entertainment venue featuring drinks, delicious food, live entertainment and outdoor roof terrace dining in the buzzing quayside location can only be The Reg. the Viking Triangle hotspot supports sustainably sourced local food along with direct access to the Waterford St Patrick’s Day Festival. Book online at or phone +35351 583 000.
Tags: Arts & Culture Arts & Entertainment Food & Drink
Image credits: Jacqueline O’Neill, Angelina’s Restaurant, The Brazen Head, The Green Hen, Keogh’s Gastropub, The Lady Gregory, Moran’s on the Weir, Bodega Restaurant, The Reg