The Party Dress you need this Party Season

Who does the best party dresses?


I feel a certain loyalty to All Saints when it comes to finding a special dress for an event. And I find myself wearing the pieces year after year as they are such good quality, and in classic shapes with that typical All Saints edge to them. So it’s not a surprise to me that yet again, All Saints is the ‘go to’ in the lead up to the party season. With a selection of everything you could ever want from a party dress, you can be sure that something will pop out at you this year, and continue to pop out at you in years to come. An All Saints dress is a very sensible investment!

I have (obviously) picked my favourite, and styled a look for the party season, which you can check out below. To shop all party dresses click here.

Sticking to a simple dress means that you can get maximum wear out of it. The knitted fabric will also help to keep you warm this party season. For the statement here we have chosen these stunning Casadei boots (to be worn rolled down to crease a ruching texture) and a matching red hand bag. To balance the look out go for some simple but still out there earrings, and some red lips.

Melanie Grace

Melanie Grace Fashion Editor and Publisher for Pynck

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