Beauty Product of the Week: Beauty Dust

Beauty Product of the Week: Beauty Dust

*please ensure you check ingredients/ health warnings before giving this product a try.

This week’s beauty product is the Beauty Dust by Moon Juice, available at Cult Beauty. Not your typical ‘beauty’ product this week, but we want to kick of the year stressing the importance of looking after yourself, and letting beauty shine from the inside out. Therefore, we recommend adding this amazing herbal supplement to your diet. It helps decrease stress, which of course is going to make you glow a teeny bit more, and also make you feel better.

So with the Moon Juice Beauty Dust, it suggests adding to tea, coffee, water, smoothies etc. but the best way we think of incorporating it is 100% in smoothies. Just dust a sachet into your blender and blend with the rest of your chosen ingredients. We were definitely not to keen on mixing with coffee, it just didn’t work! At all. If you just want a quick fix though, try just adding to hot water and drinking that way.

To shop this power product, click here.



Melanie Grace

Melanie Grace Fashion Editor and Publisher for Pynck

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