Master Class Pinot Noir with Martin Moran

word image 3Master Class Pinot Noir with Martin Moran MW  – 12:30 – 14:00

Come and explore New Zealand Pinot Noir with Master of Wine Martin Moran.  There is no doubting the ever-increasing quality of New Zealand Pinot Noir but in the past 15 years, a growing number of producers have been heading away from the free-draining valley floors towards the richer soils of the hills in search of denser Pinot Noir expression.  Martin will provide an introduction to this at the Annual Trade Tasting in Dublin on Monday 13th January, 2020.  The Masterclass is only open to trade and press and must be pre-booked.  Contact to secure a place.

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New Zealand in a Glass
Monday 13th January, 2020
Open to trade and press from 14:00 – 18:00
Radisson Blu Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8.

To register: email
or call (086) 816 8468


Sean Mitchell

Author at Pynck

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