Wilson on Wine 2021 Edition

The 7th Edition of Wilson on Wine, published by the Irish Times and written by their wine writer John Wilson is now available.  This year the format has been changed and they have published it as an ebook which is available free to Irish Times subscribers and now more generally.

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The book contains a selection of John’s favourite wines from 2020 in every price category.  This year’s edition has over 180 entries, and includes a brand new section featuring a selection of supermarket wines, all of which offer great value.

This books is a must for anyone interested in wine.  John’s selection is well chosen and includes a lot of interesting well known wine styles as well as a few less well-known quirky wines.  There is also a short-list of fine wines ranging in price from €50 to €135.00

Something for everyone, so this Christmas, download John’s book and use it as it is meant, a terrific guide to some of the more interesting wines currently available on the Irish market in both the supermarkets and the many fantastic specialist independent off licences, you won’t be disappointed.

Wilson on Wine is co-sponsored by https://bodega695.com/ a brand new on-line wine shop.

To access the book click below:

Digital.irishtimes.com then press continue.


Sean Mitchell

Author at Pynck

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