Bring Mindfulness into the Classroom!

Train to teach the .b or Paws b or their very own Mindful Warrior programme from the Sanctuary this Summer.

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The Sanctuary believes in the impact Mindfulness practices can have on people and the ripple effect of these practices in helping to promote a more compassionate and understanding society. This action can begin in schools and communities with our young people.

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Not only have we have developed our own programme for young people called The Mindful Warrior, we have also been working in partnership with the UK based MiSP (Mindfulness in Schools Project) over the past number of years, running training courses that enable school staff and others working in youth-based fields to teach the .b classroom-based mindfulness programme for 11-18 year olds and the Paws b curriculum for 7-11 year-olds.

What is the Mindful Warrior?

The Warrior Programme is a teacher trainer programme that draws on the various traditions of culture and the arts, helping young people to end up as gentle warriors. It is built around an initiation framework linked to adolescent psychological development that includes:

  • Mindfulness and movement practices
  • Insights from psychology of adolescent development
  • Ways to experience moments of reflective stillness
  • Traditional wisdom embodied in the ‘gentle warrior’ figure
  • Use of creative imagination

What are the benefits?

Inclusion of the Mindful Warrior Programme in the classroom helps to transform young people’s behaviour and helps them to develop self-awareness and the resilience needed to deal with challenges and disappointments in life.

Who is the Mindful Warrior Programme for?

It best serves the needs of a cohort of young people who require an alternative, experiential-led approach to their development and is particularly suited to young people from 6th class to 2nd year, who are finding the journey to maturity and social integration challenging.

Will I get resources I can use in the classroom?

Yes, you will be supplied with handouts and lesson plans, we also offer follow up reconnection days so that we can help you continue your practise.

Are there prerequisites to join this course?

Applicants to the facilitator training course should have undertaken some prior mindfulness training and have established a regular mindfulness practice.

Upcoming Programme: The Mindful Warrior: Monday, 15th August-Friday, 19th August 2022 Cost: €650.00

The course will be run On Site- subject to Covid guidelines

Please email for further information.

Train to teach Mindfulness in your School:

Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) is a not-for-profit charity for young people and schools. Their aim is to improve the lives of a generation of children and young people by making a genuine, positive difference to their mental health and wellbeing, enabling them not ‘just get by’ but to positively flourish.

What are these programmes?

.b Programme: .b, [dot-be], is the mindfulness curriculum for 11-18 year olds in schools. .b stands for ‘stop and be’, a simple practice at the heart of this ten lesson course.

At the most simple level .b is an awareness-raising exercise to give all students a taste of mindfulness so that they know about it and can return to it later in life if they think it might help. However, for many pupils the course can relatively quickly lead to very positive outcomes: they feel calmer and more fulfilled; they can concentrate better; they have a toolkit to deal with stress and anxiety.

Upcoming Programme: .b Onsite at the Sanctuary

Monday, 27th June- Friday, 30th June 2022, 9.00am-5.00pm. Price: €690

Course prerequisites:

Application process: All candidates must apply through the Mindfulness in Schools website.

Link to The Sanctuary’s course is located here, under the heading “Overseas Partner Courses”:

Paws b: Paws b is a leading mindfulness curriculum for children aged 7 -11 in schools. The lessons are flexible and varied and can be taught as 12 x 30-minute or 1-hour lessons.

Learning from all of the lessons is encouraged to be connected to other aspects of the school curriculum where and when appropriate, such as music, sport, art, drama, queuing to come into the classroom, school and residential trips, to name just a few possibilities.

Upcoming Programme: Paws b Onsite at the Sanctuary

Monday, 4th July – Friday, 8th July 2022, 9.00am-2.30pm. Price: €515

Course prerequisites:

Application process: All candidates must apply through the Mindfulness in Schools website.

Link to The Sanctuary’s course is located here:

The Benefits: Some of the benefits of these practices can include an improvement in mental health and wellbeing; developing a mindful awareness to what is happening within and around them; improvement in concentration and cognition; become less distracted; improve memory and planning ability; helps to develop a greater awareness of relationships and how to manage them (including difficult ones at home), as well as offering a richer understanding of things like self-esteem and optimism.

The Sanctuary turns no one away for financial reasons. Do not let this stand in your way!

Please email to request assistance from our AnCuan fund or to discuss flexible payment options.

About The Sanctuary

  • The Sanctuary is a meditation centre for social change in the heart of Dublin City. It is a charity founded by Sr. Stan Kennedy in 1998, long before meditation or mindfulness was on the tip of everyone’s tongue.
  • The Sanctuary was inspired by Stan’s own personal practice of contemplation and meditation and its ability to sustain Stan in her commitment to work with homeless people and her other social innovations.
  • The Sanctuary originated with a focus on personal well-being; and indeed, continues to offer courses on yoga, mindfulness, meditation and drop in sessions for those seeking to maintain their balance: both physically and mentally.
  • All of its practices and work is about enabling and supporting people, and communities, through meditation and contemplative practices including yoga, to heal, grow and thrive and therefore benefit, and positively enrich their community and society, reflecting Sr. Stan’s mission for social change.
  • The Sanctuary has evolved organically over the years to include mindfulness programmes for schools, programmes for carers and those working on the frontlines of society. Moreover, it offers tailored programmes for commercial organisations, charities, workplace and management teams.
  • All its courses are inspired by a deep and heartfelt wish and vision to promote a more

compassionate, kind and just society.


Contact Details and Links

The Sanctuary, Stanhope Street, Dublin 7, Ireland. +353 (0)1 670 5419 E:





Sean Mitchell

Author at Pynck

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