Polo season stars from across Ireland to be named at Christmas awards

ALL the best in the 2022 season of Irish polo will be celebrated in December at the Christmas Polo Awards and lunch taking place at Polo Wicklow Ireland.

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The best of the Irish polo season’s players will be at Polo Wicklow Ireland for the Christmas Polo Awards and lunch

The awards will be presented at Polo Wicklow Ireland to a number of the country’s most valuable players as well as the 4-Goal team of the season and the 0-Goal. A number of special awards for outstanding individual achievement will be presented by the Irish Polo Foundation.

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Tickets for the Christmas Polo Awards and lunch are on sale for €50 per person and include a live polo match in the Polo Wicklow Arena followed by lunch in the clubhouse.

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Watch a live polo match in the arena at Polo Wicklow followed by lunch in the clubhouse and the awards

Reserve a ticket by email from siobhan@polowicklow.com or through kmullahey10@gmail.com. The awards are supported by Polo Ireland, the Irish Polo Foundation, Polo Wicklow and Pynck.com, and the celebration begins at 12 noon on Sunday 4 December at Polo Wicklow Ireland.


Tags: Arts & Culture Irish Polo

Image credits: Polo Wicklow, Kim Mullahey

Kim Mullahey

Kim Mullahey is Pynck.com’s Ireland Correspondent. She holds an honours undergraduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Chicago and has taught Adult Education Creative Writing Studies. Through a media career spanning nearly 25 years Kim has written and photographed regional news, national and international horse sports, fashion and lifestyle. Kim lives with her husband and son in Kildare Ireland, and a stray marmalade cat who has adopted the family.

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