Argentina celebrates Independence Day with an Irish polo tournament

ARGENTINA Independence Day was celebrated earlier this month in the heart of Ireland, Her Excellency Ana Laura Cachaza in attendance for the Cup of the Republic of Argentina at Bishopland Polo Club in County Kildare, Ireland.

1 DavidStonePegus

David Stone led the Pegus (Patagonia) team through the qualifiers to win the Cup of the Republic of Argentina at Bishopland Polo Club in Kildare Ireland

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Alfredo Barchetta (left) Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Argentina in Ireland Nicolas Francisco Vidal, senior embassy staff member Marcelo Martin at the Cup of the Republic of Argentina polo tournament at Bishopland Polo Club, Kildare Ireland

The independence day of Argentina is celebrated every year on 9 July, commemorating the signing of the Argentine Declaration of Independence. The day in Ireland’s Ancient East was celebrated with an asado barbecue, empanadas and chorizo, live music and the taste of one of the South American country’s best exports, Malbec wine.

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Nicolas Garaza and his son Viggo (l-r), Keila Larrousse, Glenda Braillard and Alejandro Masolini, soaking up the fun at the Cup of the Republic of Argentina polo tournament

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A small crowd found a ringside seat to watch the Cup of the Republic of Argentina polo tournament at Bishopland Polo Club, Kildare Ireland

The Ambassador of Argentina in Ireland thanked invited guests in their hundreds from across the country and the diplomatic corps for attending a day, culminating in the final between the Pegus team from the All Ireland Polo Club and the Killenagh Warriors, mainly from Ireland’s Sunny Southeast: “It is really great than we were able to (name) teams playing here for the Argentine Republic polo clubs.”

5 BynaTwomey

Byna Twomey was among invited guests of the Argentine Independence Day celebrations at Bishopland Polo Club in Kildare Ireland

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Jennifer Healy (l-r), Dan Laverty with Her Excellency Ana Laura Cachaza, David and Mark Stone, winners of the Cup of the Republic of Argentina

Pegus, playing as Patagonia got the best of the Killenagh Warriors (Entre Rios) in four chukkas with the score of 7 goals to 4.5, David and Mark Stone, Jennifer Healy and Dan Laverty the winners of the Cup of the Republic of Argentina against April Kent, Kieran Doyle, Delfina Valor and Juan ‘Johnny’ Hearne. Bunclody (Buenos Aires) won their runner-up final against Bishopland (Cordoba) with 7 goals to 6.

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Sport horse trainer Paddy Quinlan of Bishopland Kildare Ireland, Michelle Stone and daughter Alessa, lead Irish polo commentator Lar Sheeran and Carol Stone of the All Ireland Polo Club at Bishopland Polo Club for the Cup of the Republic of Argentina

Argentina National Day was supported by the Embassy of Argentina, Alejo and Wendy Tagle and


Tags: Arts & Culture

Image credits: Jacqueline A O’Neill, Kim Mullahey

Kim Mullahey

Kim Mullahey is’s Ireland Correspondent. She holds an honours undergraduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Chicago and has taught Adult Education Creative Writing Studies. Through a media career spanning nearly 25 years Kim has written and photographed regional news, national and international horse sports, fashion and lifestyle. Kim lives with her husband and son in Kildare Ireland, and a stray marmalade cat who has adopted the family.

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