Irish Wine Geese participate in “The Olympics of Wine Tasting”

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Centuries after the original Irish Wine Geese fled to Bordeaux to establish some of the most renowned estates, a new generation of Wine Geese shall represent Ireland at the prestigious World Tasting Championship for the first time ever on Saturday, 12th October in Château Dauzac AOP Margaux, in Bordeaux.

The Ireland Team of four comprises the highly experienced palates of

Lisa O’Doherty – Head Sommelier at the Kildare Hotel & Country Club, Dale Gatcum –  Wine Educator, Liam Campbell – Wine writer and well-known Wine Educator and Timothée Oberlin – Wine Enthusiast

This is the 12th year of competition, and teams from over 50 countries and all five continents will compete.The format: Each team has 10 minutes per wine to agree on a single answer to correctly identify the country, region, grape varietal and vintage – for 12 global wines in total covering all styles: sparkling, white, red, sweet and fortified.

Deciphering all the elements of a wine poured from a decanter is the greatest challenge, with no bottle label to act as a guide.  Because wine is a living organism, the evolution of colours, aromas, flavours and textures all provide clues to solving the mystery identity learnt from years of study and experience.   It is an honour for the team to represent Ireland and we do so with great pride.  Our weekly practice sessions in the months leading up to the World Tasting Championship on Saturday, 12th October have helped us with our timing and strategy to agree on a single answer for each of the 12 global wines we will be assessing at Château Dauzac in Bordeaux.”

Liam Campbell, Ireland Team member

 “This year we are delighted to welcome an Ireland Team for the first time to compete at the 12th Edition of the World Tasting Championship, and we wish them the best of luck.”

Philippe de Cantenac, Creator of the World Tasting Championship

 “Whelehan’s Wines, as a nod to the great ‘TP’, are delighted to be involved with wine related activities that encourage learning and excellence.  We are really delighted to sponsor the Ireland World Tasting Championship Team and we wish Lisa, Liam, Dale and Timothée the very best of luck.”

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