Every kiss goes to Jigsaw – Irish Celtic Jewellery Pog

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irish celtic jewellery lovepog
Merry Kiss-mas!

This Christmas, share a kiss with someone you miss. Pog is an Irish Celtic Jewellery Brand.

This holiday season, let’s celebrate all kinds of love – from family to friendship, and everything in between.

Every piece is designed and inspired by the power of human connection, bringing people closer. PÓG is a symbol of Irish love, a meaningful gift to last a life time.

For every sale on line and offline – we give 2.5euros to JIGSAW. Ireland’s leading charity for young people’s mental health.

Share a PÓG this Christmas.

See our retailers below.
Have a fabulous holiday season.

Shop your gifts here!
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Where to find us?
Epic Museum
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Shop here!
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