It Can Be You – Book Launch

“It Can Be You”

Book Launch by Jordana Guimaraes, Founder of Fashinnovation

The Nylon Project

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It Can Be You, artwork, Jason Nayler

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Jordana Guimaraes, author

Jordana Guimaraes, author of It Can Be You is the founder of The NYLON Project, which she created in 2016 as an awareness campaign to humanize homelessness. In 2018 she also co-founded Fashinnovation, along with her husband, which is a platform connecting technology, entrepreneurship and innovation to drive change in fashion.

The Nylon Project brings together the fashion and entertainment industries to give a “face” to homelessness and personalize this critical issue. Jordana partnered with 45 influencers who shared their stories of struggle and perseverance which has been contrasted to the similar journeys within different circumstances of those who are homeless today.

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Influencers who tell their stories in It Can Be You.

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These influencers share their stories of the most challenging and difficult time in their lives and how they’ve overcome those obstacles to be where they are today.

“Her work with the NYLON PROJECT has raised awareness of the seriousness of the homeless problem we have in this country and what all of us can do to help those in need of shelter and other basic needs.” –Tom Hamline, CEO, HELP USA

HELP USA works to ensure that everyone has a place to call home. They provide shelter to meet people’s immediate needs, as well as the support they need to succeed for themselves, their families, and their communities.

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Influencer and jewelry designer Fernanda Medina shares her story in It Can Be You

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Visit influencer Lara Eurdolian on Instagram.

The first 1000 copies of It Can Be You will be on hand to purchase by Oct 1, 2020. In December the book will be available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. In October you will be able to pre-order the book on the website of the publisher, Mascot Books.

Susan Rockefeller and Maria Cuomo joined Jordana and the fashion industry in “Giving a Face to Homelessness” through their collaboration with the NYLON PROJECT through HELP USA.

I asked Susan Rockefeller, with so many demands on her time and the countless projects she is working on, why she chose to partner with Jordana and the Nylon Project.

“I wanted to partner with Jordana on her book It Can Be You because homelessness is a problem that effects every community. Often it takes just a few unfortunate circumstances that can lead a person or family from home to homelessness. This book opens the conversation about homelessness in a way that embraces compassion and a much needed addition to the information already out there. “- Susan Rockefeller

Want to join the movement and be part of the solution? Contact Jordana at the NYLON PROJECT today.



Diane Weisbeck

Diane Weisbeck is a native New Yorker. A luxury lifestyle content writer, Diane was a retail buyer for Lord & Taylor’s flagship store, a product design/developer for Saks Fifth Avenue’s corporate office and a Director of Retail for major museums and high end retailers. She assists global luxury brands with their marketing and brand strategies and is also a Fair Trade corporate art consultant.

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