Royal Watch – The Queen Embraces a Pandemic-Induced Lifestyle Change

royal watch the queen embraces a pandemic induced lifestyle change

It’s Official: The Queen Is Reportedly Staying in Windsor From Now On

The isolated castle has been her full-time home since March 2020, but she has now made an official decision not to return to Buckingham Palace, the London “HQ” of the monarchy.

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The Royals Celebrate International Women’s Day

On Tuesday, Prince Charles, Duchess Camilla, Prince William, and Kate Middleton all commemorated the longest-reigning monarch in British history.

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Is Juan Carlos Going Back to Spain?

The former king has been living in a self-imposed exile in the United Arab Emirates since August 2020.

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The Queen Meets With Justin Trudeau

During a Monday diplomatic meeting, the monarch and the prime minister of Canada posed in front of a blue-and-yellow bouquet.

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An Unexpected Gesture

Queen Elizabeth, a normally apolitical monarch, signaled her support for Ukraine’s refugees by making a “generous” donation to the Disaster Emergency Committee appeal directing funds to charities on the ground.

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